Weight Loss for Skateboarding: PT3


Layer 3: Snacking and the 80-20 Rule.

Alright, let’s talk snacks. If you are a snack connoisseur like myself you will perhaps be wondering where they fit into this whole equation, as a life without snacks is not a life worth living.

As with all our layers, remember we are trying to set up a lifestyle and long-term nutritional habits rather than just keep for a while and then rebound back. Telling someone to completely cut something out of their diet is a fast-track way to get them to fail, and we aren’t about that.

So how do we include snacks?

Snacks are where we give you free rein to Live Yo Life. They can be included in between meals to allow you to kill the hunger cravings. They can also be seen as an opportunity to treat yourself post-meal in the evening from time to time. This is where the 80/20 rule comes into play.

When embarking on a weight loss journey perfection can be the enemy of results. Aiming to be perfect all the time can be a sure-fire way to failing completely. This is why we advocate the 80/20 rule. Aim to get the basics we have mentioned in all these posts right 80% of the time. The other 20% can be chalked up to good, ol’ fashioned living your life.

Aim to have nutrient-dense snacks 80% of the time, some examples are included in the list below. The other 20% however can be used as an opportunity to indulge in the small things that make life great.

  • A portion size of chocolate after dinner.
  • A portion of ice cream.
  • A portion of potato chips.
  • A glass of wine.

Note that this is not an invitation for a free-for-all. One portion size is all you need to stay on track.

The 80/20 rule is also how you apply things like special dinners or outings in the week. We want to be able to live in these moments and not completely abstain, however, once the moment is over, it’s right back to business. Where most people go wrong is letting a moment of straying off the path lead to an all-out train wreck. It’s never the drinks you had on a Saturday night, it’s the kebab you got on the way home, the bacon and egg roll you had the next morning to “cure the hangover” and the dirty burger and chips you had the next day because you were too lazy to cook.

The 80/20 rule is just that. You choose your moments, your 20%, but the rest you jump right back on track and continue doing the things that will get you the result.

In the end, the scales will tell the tale of whether or not you have gone too far. They aren’t biased and cannot be swayed. If the number does not read in the direction you want it, look back on your food diary and really assess whether or not the 80/20 rule has been adhered to, or whether you could tighten things up more.

Find your balance; it is unique to you and you alone and is the part most people find frustrating because they can’t just be handed an x = y formula. Just remember if you are dropping, you are on the right track, if not, reassess week to week until you achieve the desired result.