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Skate Injury Master Class

The answer to all your skate based injuries.

Full education section to eliminate worry, help you understand what you are doing and speed up results.

Engage with a one-of-a-kind tier phased program allowing you to navigate your injury with ease. Beginner to advanced.

Build back the confidence in your body’s capability to thrive both on and off the board.

Feel supported through the process with direct access to your coach to ask questions and receive guidance.

Be confident in your return to skating with standards and testing guide.

$49 AUD / Per Month

Only 20 Spots Available

The Issue

Skating is unlike any other pursuit in the relationship it has with injuries. The daily, weekly, monthly and yearly life of a skater will see them navigate more injuries than most athletes do in their lifetime.

As a result, we have a plaguing problem in the skate community with careers being cut short, skaters constantly tolerating unnecessary pain in their sessions and daily life and even older skaters having to give up the thing they love to do due to not knowing how to fix their problems.

Not anymore.

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Master Class Series

The Skateboard Strength Skate Injury Master Class series was developed to cover the most common injuries skaters face for the areas used and abused when skating. Each body part contains an individual Master Class lecture and rehab program.

  • Ankles
  • Wrists
  • Knees
  • Hips
  • Back
  • Core
  • Shoulder
  • Neck
  • Wrists

Giving you back the power:

Full education section allows you to watch videos and read articles on how and why you are experiencing pain in that specific area and where you are going wrong. This allows you to build an understanding of your injury to eliminate insecurities and worry, build your confidence back and accelerate results by knowing exactly what to do.

The Fix

Now that you have the knowledge it’s time to give you the right tools to fix your body. Work through the rehab program for the area giving you the problem to not only move away from pain, but also unleash a performance level you never thought possible.

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The Delivery: The App

Enjoy the easy-to-use experience of the app where you can watch each individual exercise break down, track your workouts and progress. Sync it to your smart watch or use it on your phone and set reminders to build the habits required for ultimate performance.

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The PDF:

This fully illustrated guide comes with all the extra knowledge you will need to navigate all your skate related injuries. With in-depth articles and extra videos covering topics such as;

  • Returning to skating
  • Testing injures
  • Managing tendon injuries
  • Understanding pain + more!
  • Fill in the gaps that most skaters miss when trying to heal their injuries.


Get direct contact to your coach through in app messaging in order to feel supported through your journey. With over 13 years of experience in athletic performance Dan will be there to answer your questions and guide your use of this one of a kind program.

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What you get:

$49 A Month

Complete education section giving you all the information you need to understand your injuries and increase the speed and rate of your success.

Individual injury specific programs covering feet/ankles, knees, hips, back, core, shoulders, neck, and wrists

Return to skating section, giving you tests to perform to understand when and how to return to skating

Access to easy-to-use app, to track, record, and better understand your program with quick view and full technical breakdown of each individual exercise

Access with your coach in order to feel supported in your journey and speed up results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Choose from different variations to suit your current skill and pain levels in the program that will also allow you to build over time as you get better.

A resistance band, foam roller and a hard ball like a lacrosse or cricket ball will be needed to perform these programs. There are also exercises that would get you a better result from IF you have dumbbells but they are not entirely necessary. Much of the program can be completed at home and doesn’t require access to a gym.

Each exercise has a full video demonstration where each movement is broken down to teach you proper execution.

Word on the Street

I broke my Talus bone in April while on a trip to California. Dan helped me recover and made sure I recovered WELL. Us skateboarders are always trying to recover as soon as possible but it hurts us in the long run. Dan guided me through the non weight bearing phase until we slowly started ramping up until I was 100% ready to step on a skateboard. Skateboard Strength isn’t just about the recovery phase though, Dan kept updating my program to suit where I’m at. While I’m healthy we work on injury prevention and performance. Thanks Dan, hopefully I can live the dream of skating in my 50’s.

Justin Schmidt

I started training with Dan to get me skating post ankle surgery. He mapped out a plan and took me from out of the boot to back to skating even guiding me to how to make the come back. I have been blown away at how much stronger not just my ankle is now on the return but the work we had done in that time on my legs and core has me feeling so much stronger on the board.

Sam Saddleton

“Skateboard strength has been a huge game changer to my ability to progress and recover. I was given the tools to recover from tendonitis and a sprained knee and within a few weeks I was seeing results!”

Naveed Madi

Thanks so much for the continued help and support. Without your assessment and personalized work out plan I'd still be struggling to carry out normal everyday tasks, much less skate after just a few months of being committed to the program you laid out for me, I've been able to skate a bit more so far with less pain but more importantly I'm able to sleep thru the night without waking up in pain from my back. Thanks again so much.

John Hernandez
John Hernandez

What are you waiting for?

Give yourself the knowledge and power to continue to do what you love by hitting that button and beginning your journey. Class is in session.

Looking for more?

Perhaps payment is an issue? You get the full Master Class series along with much more in the Ultimate Performance Program subscription at a low monthly price. Check it out here

Ultimate Performance Program Box Set